2024 Fall Ball (Baseball)


Registration is now closed for the 2024 Fall Ball season.


Please contact FallBall@BearRiverLL.com with questions or for more information.


What is Fall Ball? Fall Ball is an additional season of play that complements and supports the regular spring season. It is an opportunity for players to gain skills and readiness for the spring season, with an emphasis on more practices and fewer games. It is a great bridge to move up to a higher division in the spring.

Who is Fall Ball for? We welcome both new and returning players, whether or not they intend to play Spring Ball. It's for kids who are looking for playing opportunities during the off-season to make baseball a more year-round experience.

How much does it cost? The registration fee is $80 for one child, and $70 for each additional child. The fee includes a jersey and hat.

What if the registration fee is a hardship for my family? We want all kids to be able to play, and we have a limited number of scholarships available to support them. Please submit a scholarship application from our website, which will be reviewed confidentially.

What will the players wear and what gear will they need? At games, players will wear their BRLL jersey and hat (provided by BRLL through your registration fee). The uniform is more casual than in Spring Ball, and your manager may or may not request a specific color pants, belt, and socks, which parents provide. Players in division AA Minors and higher are recommended to wear a cup (required for pitchers and catchers). Players must wear cleats and will need a glove, bat, and helmet. We have used gear we are happy to give. Please ask! 

Which divisions will be offered? For Fall Ball 2024, we are offering Farm, AA Minors, AAA Minors, and Majors.


In which division should my kid play? We suggest "playing up" by registering your child for the division they would play in Spring 2025. Recommended ages: Farm (League Age 5-7), AA Minors (League Age 7-9), AAA Minors (League Age 9-10), and Majors (League Age 11-12).

Does my kid have to try out? Nope. Unlike for Spring Ball, there are no tryouts and no draft. Players are assigned to a team based on the special requests (for specific coaches or friends) they indicate during registration, or else randomly.

What paperwork do I have to submit? None. Unlike for Spring Ball, birth certificates and proofs of residency are not requested/required.

Do I have to volunteer? No. Unlike for Spring Ball, there is no volunteer requirement or volunteer checks requested from parents. That said, each team will need a volunteer manager and coaches. Older divisions will need volunteer scorekeepers and pitch counters, and younger divisions will need a Team Parent to be in the dugout with the players. All teams will benefit from a volunteer to help prep the field before and after games. Thank you for stepping up to fill these roles on your team.

Can my kid request a specific coach or friend to play with? Yes. Please indicate those preferences in the special requests section of the registration form. We will do our best to accommodate those requests but cannot make guarantees.

Who are the team managers? The team managers are typically a parent of a player on their team. All Fall Ball managers have managed or coached a team previously and have undergone a background check. They have varying degrees of baseball playing experience.

When will practices be held? Each manager sets their team's practice schedule, which will likely consist of two weekdays per week, up to two hours per practice, in the late afternoon (after school) or early evening. Some teams may practice on Saturdays.

When will games be held? All games take place weekly on Sundays, beginning after Labor Day and concluding in mid-November, with occasional byes (approximately 10 games). Game times vary each week, but may begin as early as 9am or as late as 7pm. (The latest games are scheduled for older divisions only.) 

When will I be notified of the schedule? After your child is assigned to a team in early August, the manager will contact you to communicate the practice schedule. Game schedules will be posted on our website by early September.

Where will games take place? Expect a mix of home and away games. Home games will take place at our Bear River fields. (Tee Ball, Farm, AA Minors, Majors, and Juniors will play on their own fields. AAA Minors will play on Majors Field.) Away games will take place at our neighboring leagues in our District 11, including Grass Valley, Nevada City, Sierra Foothills (Colfax), Penn Valley, Foresthill, Auburn, and potentially but rarely farther down the hill (Mid-Placer, Lincoln, Tri-City, and Rocklin).

Will Snack Shack be open during games? Sorry, no. During Fall Ball, our snack shack will be closed.

What about safety? We have a board member serving as Safety Officer who works with our managers and coaches to ensure safety protocols (including concussion protocols) are in place and followed, and to follow reporting protocols in the event of an injury. That said, baseball is a physical activity and injuries do happen. Included in your registration fee is limited insurance coverage. 

What if I have questions or concerns during the season? Please first talk with your manager. In addition, we have a board member serving as a director for each division whom you are welcome to contact. Click "Organization" under "League Info" on our website to find the contact information for your division director. Please start there, and the division director may involve other board members as needed.