Scholarship Application

Please complete form prior to registering and allow 1-2 weeks for a reply.  After you receive a reply, please return to complete registration online.  All information is sent directly to our Scholarship Chairman for review and kept confidential.

If you receive a scholarship you will NOT get raffle tickets or be eligible for the drawing unless you purchase on your own.   

Bear River Little League is committed to providing a program that allows every child to play baseball. We desire to offer an affordable program for our players and families while maintaining the financial health and sustainability of the league.
BRLL is a nonprofit organization and administrated completely by volunteers. A limited numbers of scholarships are available based on the league’s annual budget, community sponsorship's received, and the overall number of registrations. Application for scholarship does not guarantee an award of assistance.

BRLL already provides a discount to families registering multiple children.

Please do not ask for a scholarship if you have the ability to pay.

This applicant is entirely confidential and will only been viewed by the scholarship application committee.

In addition, families applying for a scholarship acknowledge that the league is run solely by volunteers and there is an expectation that parents of scholarship recipients will give back to Bear Rover Little League in a specific capacity. A list of opportunities will be listed within the application.


 THE PROCESS: The scholarship process begins with fully completing and submitting the application below up to three players in a family. Our scholarship application committee will review your application and determine if we are able to award a scholarship and in what amount. If awarded a scholarship, you will receive a one time use coupon code to use as you complete the registration process yourself.  You will need to pay any remaining balance due during the registration process online. A confirmation email will be sent to you once you have fully completed the registration process.

Parent Full Name
Player Full Name
example: 01-01-2020
Resident Address
Player School
Please use the Little League AGE CHART for Division
Yes or No
Does your child participate in any other teams/sports during the BRLL season
(2) Player Full Name
(2) Birthdate
example: 01-01-2020
(2) Player School
(2) Division
Please use the Little League AGE CHART for Division
(2) Yes or No
Does your child participate in any other team/sports during the BRLL season
(3) Player Full Name
(3) Birthdate
example: 01-01-2020
(3) Player School
(3) Division
Please use the Little League AGE CHART for Division
(3) Yes or No
Does your child participate in any other teams/sports during the BRLL season
Hardship Explanation
Explain specific circumstances as to why you need financial assistance
Financial Assistance
What type of scholarship are you requesting
Volunteer Help
What area(s) can you assist BRLL with this upcoming season
I confirm the information provided above is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false or inaccurate information may disqualify the player from any current or future league scholarships
This application does NOT register my player for BRLL. If awarded the scholarship, I will be required to complete the on-line registration process myself and pay any remaining balance
Required Fields